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Business Agility


Business Agility:

Agility refers to as an ability to move quickly and easily. But in a business context; agility is the ability of a business to rapidly adapt to market and environmental changes in productive and cost-effective ways. Business agility is the outcome of Business Intelligence (BI).

Business agility is concerned with the adaption and evolution of values, behaviors and capabilities. These enable business and individual to be more adaptive, creative and resilient when dealing with complexity, uncertainty and changes leading to better outcome.

An agile business is able to respond quickly and effectively to opportunities and threats found in its internal and external environment.

Why Agility in Business ?

No one has the 100% sure about the future, so the future itself is unpredictable, and with very fast growing of technology; so many things become uncertainty to our needs and requirements. Therefore, an agile business can be able to adapt faster, delivering little and often, testing the environment and remaining customer focused.

How to adapt an agile in Business ?

Everything needs proper procedures in order to be efficient and effective. As business agility becomes more popular in a business scope and everyone wants to join the world of it, then you need to follow these basic steps in order to be agile in business. These 5 steps will make you to become agile in business.

An agile business focus on fewer priorities

Many business have SMEs with list of actions that read like never-ending story. Therefore, be in the world of agile business; a business needs to be smarter with prioritizing those actions. For example, a business has the following SMEs as; increasing online sales, free delivery campaigns, quality products with affordable price, opening new branches. If it happens that the market or technology has changed, then it will be very difficult to handle the situation.

Business agility culture requires a business to reduce priorities into short (2-3) list that must be done within a short period of time. Then, as each priority is completed, you can add new priority to the list in response to your business's drivers, strategies and new events.

Automate processes

In order for your business to become agile, then you must get in touch with accessible communication. People, not software and machines do build agile in your business. So you must make sure that you can easily make your teams collaborate, manage projects and reach new productivity peaks. This should be more than working together i.e initiate home office to your team and have an accessible communication with them.

Empower your team to become more agile

Agility in business can only operate if your business culture support it. This means employees must have the right power of self governing especially in making decisions.

Without an autonomous business culture, it is very difficult to adopt agile in your business. Business can not be agile if your employees need sign-offs on every decision.

Make plans for the unexpected too

As none knows what the future holds, then an agile business plans for the unexpected. This is by building flexibility into its budgets, plans and reviews which will give a business a better chance of dealing with changes quickly and easily. Once your business adopt a flexible culture, it is easy to respond to unexpected events without numerous meetings and re-planning.

Agile mindset built

An agile culture relies more on trust, teamwork and innovation. You need to engage your employees in the changes you will need to make.

For becoming in an agile business world, you need first to dump the traditional ways of working that managers decide everything and employees to just follow orders. Make your employees to feel more as a part of a business and not strangers.


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