OLAP in Business Intelligence:
OLAP (Online Analytical Processing) is a software which perform multidimensional analysis of data and provide the capability for complex calculation, trends analysis and sophisticated data modeling.
Most business data have multiple dimensions
categories into which the data are broken down for presentation, tracking or analysis
for example; sales figure might have several dimensions related to location (region,
country, state) time (year, month, week, day) product (clothing, men/women, age,
All these dataset are stored in data
warehouse in tables. Then OLAP extract data from relational dataset and reorganized
into multidimensional format which enable very fast processing and insightful analysis.
is OLAP important ?
OLAP offers the following benefits and
that is why OLAP is unique and special:
It offers Business-multidimensional
data monitoring.
OLAP is useful in business since it
analyze and organize data in a multidimensional approach. Here data are organized
into different dimensions where dimension reflects how business users typically
think of the business. For example, business users might view the data by market,
products, customers and over time. However, in OLAP each dimension or attribute
contains members that share the common characteristics such as in a picture below:
Also OLAP offers high speed of data
Transactional data from different points
of sales, data about every particular customer and supplier, data about all employees
in the company and their performance are all stored in a single place ready for
operation. In OLAP, it doesn’t matter how large data are contained in data warehouse,
but OLAP will make a complex report using any kind of data from the warehouse in
just few minutes.
OLAP offers too “ what if scenarios”
OLAP gives the users ability to replace
the value to see what other outcomes may take place if there are changes introduced
in a business. Other tools of BI need Integration in order to do this, but in OLAP
data is available to users without any technical background; this is because end
users do not need special training to see and understand how things are.
The best software for OLAP activities
is TALEND studio. It is easy to use and available free.
Nice job